I hope the title has got all of you intrigued about what this segment is going to be like. I myself was very excited to write this piece and lets be honest to ourselves, who doesn’t want to be a child again -who doesn’t want to walk those old lanes of our childhood backyard; smell the everlasting scent of your favorite food cooked ready by your mom as you come back home tired from a session of your favorite sports with your friends; sleep soundlessly at night without having a single negative thought and looking forward to a bright new tomorrow.

I don’t really know how many of you will be able to relate to this but I really hope this touches a part of your treasured childhood memory . Frankly we always had that childhood fancy to grow up ,do adult activities ,be independent and what not; not realizing on what an unreal life filled with happiness we had been living back then .As a child we never had to worry about anything and our tomorrow used to be as precious as our today . The golden times of the past protected by the loving cocoon of our parent’s protection and love is a mere reflection of how lonely we become as adults even when surrounded by countless people. As kids we used to always live in the present without giving a moments thought to the future or get disturbed by our past experiences .I remember myself trusting people , something which seems utopian nowadays .Such is the purity of a child’s heart that you can always guarantee to have their unconditional love .

Now people might argue not everyones childhood was so privileged or full of rainbows.Yes all of us have had our fair share of childhood traumas and adverse and unfortunate events but could anyone have predicted that my friends , isn’t that what we call growing up – really that’s the sad part.But tell me something now ,hasn’t the sight of a child always brought a smile ,even a faint one on your face.I remember smiling a lot when I was a child ,genuine lopsided grins all over my face .

Those long evenings of idling around with my friends , less academic pressure and to be as free as a bird ; times that I yearn to go back to. My heart wants to run back to those times similarly as we used to run back from school frantically with our Moms chasing us ,jumping over potholes in the rainy season as if running into the horizon.

The child in me still loves people beyond any needs or the grand scheme of events without having in expectations . It's my humble request to my readers to keep the child in them eternally alive and worship it forever.

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